To increase the pH in the finished products or in the intermediate products. pH correction product.
Industrial Grade
Food grade Non Food grade Alkalinity Booster
pH Booster Chemical Trade Information
2000 Kilograms Per Day
2 Days
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25 kgs HDPE carboys
All India
Product Description
A chemical product is formulated withingredients (food grade and non-food grade) to meet the desired pH of finishedgoods or intermediate goods. This product is intended for industrial use onlyto facilitate the effective chemical reaction and to deliver the best of thefinished product. The pH parameter in any chemical product plays an importantrole in the process and in the intended use. Certain chemical reactions areeffective or can happen only at higher pH or alkaline pH. Certain finishedproducts tend to have lower pH and for the best output, making the pH alkalineis necessary. Addition of our pH booster product facilitates the chemicalreaction to get the best finished product. The product has been designed insuch a way that the addition of this pH booster does not alter or halm thenature of the finished product, supports the product to perform at its best.Advantages, Can be used in RO applications, Can be used in chemical processingindustries, Can be used in food processing industries, Can be used in cosmeticsproducts, Performs well at low concentration.