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Sodium Hypochlorite 12%liquid is a pale yellow colour liquid. It is an inorganic chemical compoundwith chemical formula NaOCl. It is also called as Liquid Bleach. It is widelyused as a disinfectant and bleaching agent. In solution form the compound isunstable and liberates Chlorine which is an active one to disinfectant thefloor and surfaces. It is also called as Hypo solution. Hypo is used as adisinfectant in water and wastewater treatment plant. Sodium Hypochloriteliquid is an economical chemical agent and is widely used in wastewatertreatment plant. Sodium Hypochlorite is a good oxidizing agent and is used inwastewater treatment. Sodium Hypochlorite liquid is also known aschlorine bleach or soda bleach. It is a great steriliser, decolouring agent,oxidiser, germicide, fungicide, and deodorant. It is used as bleaching agent inpulp, paper, cotton, linen industries. Hypo is used in swimming poolchlorination and as a disinfectant and deodorant in dairies. Advantages,Good disinfectant in water and wastewater treatment plants. Good oxidizingagent in water and wastewater treatment plants. Good bleaching agent in pulpand paper industries.