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Reverse Osmosis RO methodology is widely used to treat water andwastewater. In RO system, membranes are the key part which separates theundesired ions and throws into the reject steam. The maintenance of ROmembranes is critical to extend the life of the membranes and to get maximumoutput. Hence antiscalant must be used to avoid scale formation in themembranes. DeLoras antiscalant is a blend of polymers in a definite proportionto prevent the precipitating of scale forming salt. The antiscalant is designedto increasethe solubility nature of scale forming substances like Calciumcarbonate, Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Fluoride, Silica, Magnesium sulphate andother Magnesium salts and keep the membranes free of scale. Hence membranes arecapable to work for a longer life with reduced operating cost. Advantages, Keeps the scaleforming particles in soluble form and removes through reject stream. Can beused with RO feed water which has TDS of 10000 ppm, Hardness 2500 ppm andAlkalinity 750 ppm. Has Silica sequester which can inhibit Silica upto 250 ppm.