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MicrobZ 1794 Anaerobic bioculture has the ability to degrade all types of pollutants generated from various types of industries in anaerobic conditions. Each individual strain is specifically isolated and carefully grown in our fermentation facility. It is an effective blend of microorganisms, enzymes and organic compounds for raw effluent treatment. It acts on industrial effluents and effectively breaks down biodegradable chemicals, hazardous wastes, heavy metals and pathogens. The micro-organisms and enzymes are individually fermented, assayed for purity and then formulated to make the final product. In Anaerobic environments organic and inorganic matters are degraded by associations of fermenting, acetogenic and methanogenic bacteria. They have the ability to degrade highly concentrated organic industrial raw effluents. Industrial effluent water contains long chain compounds which are broken into simple molecules by enzymes. These simple molecules are broken down by bacteria in an anaerobic conditions and converted into carbon dioxide and water. This reduces the COD and BOD levels present in the raw effluent. Advantages, Effectively reduces BOD, COD and Odour in all types of industrial raw effluents at digester level, reduces sludge generation, reduces chemical costs, reduces ammonical nitrogen generation, promotes faster MLSS development, digests grease, fats, starch, protein and waste products.