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25 kgs poly bags
All India
Product Description
Activated carbon powder is used in all types ofindustries to remove color, organic matters, impurities from liquids and gases.It protects theenvironment by adsorbing the undesired pollutants and matters from water. Waterand air are the predominant sources of energy for human life and for industrialapplications. Both need high purity and free from impurities. Naturally, Carbonis the good source of material for purifying water, wastewater and air. Thestructure of Carbon has good adsorption capacity by which the organicpollutants in water and air can be removed in the process. This results inclean and purified water and air. Coconut shell is the key raw material formaking activated carbon powder. It has many advantages over coal carbon. Theraw material is subjected to various process conditions and the final productsis designed to deliver the desired results. Advantages, Removes residualChlorine and ozone from water and wastewater. Removes bad odour and otherorganic matters present in wastewater. Removes toxic contaminants present inwater and wastewater. Removes pesticides present in water and wastewater. Purifiesand polishing the water to meet the norms.